Adult Videos – How To Keep The Relationship Healthy

Frequent emission promotes male organ health; therefore, a man can consider self-pleasuring a part of a healthy life. But for some men, the role played by adult videos can become problematic. This occurs when a man requires it in order to release, when it interferes with his relationship or when his partner-based sensual activity begins to suffer because of it. Fortunately, there are practical steps a man can take to prevent the transition from pleasure to problem when it comes to his visual aids.

1. Mix it up. Many people find themselves particularly attracted to certain genres of adult videos – threesomes or role play, for example. But keeping oneself open to other genres can be beneficial for a couple reasons.

For one, exploring new territory can help a man learn things about his sensuality. He may find a new interest that can improve both his solo and partner sensual activities.

Second, if a man relies on one or two types of adult videos while cranking all the time, he may be training his male organ to respond sensually only to the types of scenarios he’s viewing. This can interfere with his intimate life and relationships.

2. Take a break. Many men find themselves pulling up a private search window every time they want to crank one out. But it can be good to skip the use of visual aids now and then and rely on imagination. This way, adult videos can remain a want rather than becoming a need.

3. Be honest. When men lie to partners about their adult video use, they are opening the relationship up to a world of hurt. A guy may wish to keep adult video use a private affair rather than viewing them with a partner, and that’s fine. But telling a partner that he doesn’t use them, or that he uses them less frequently than he does, is not the way to go.

4. Remember that it doesn’t reflect real life. The types of scenarios in adult videos are not things a man is likely to encounter in real life. Sure, some partners may be into threesomes or role play, for example, but a man should never expect a partner to be into what he’s watching. He should also remember that bodies in real life don’t often look or respond to sensual stimuli the way they do in adult videos. Things like massive loads of seed, female squirting and large manhoods are not really that common in real life. And that’s okay.

5. Invite the partner in. Some people find that their sensual relationships with partners are improved when adult videos become something that they share. They can view them together, commenting on what they like (or what they don’t like). It can be a thing unto itself, a part of pre-play or an addition to actual sensual activity. Some couples like to act out what they are watching on the screen in real time. It all depends on the individuals’ comfort levels and preferences.

Men should also keep in mind that frequent self-pleasuring can interfere with their sensual activity levels simply by leaving their tools sore and chafed. But they don’t need to lay of self-gratification for that reason. Rather, they can take a step to improve their skin condition down there by using a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A product with a combination of moisturizers (like Shea butter and vitamin E) will keep the skin hydrated. That means men can enter their solo pleasuring sessions with resilient skin, increasing the odds that they’ll be ready for sensual activity soon enough after. Plus, Man1 Man Oil contains vitamin A, which helps fight unwanted odors in the area, something many men could use a hand with.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Good-Looking Male Organ Study – Health Matters Most

In July of 2015, headlines abounded concerning a study that, according to some writers, answers the question of what a “good-looking male organ” looks like. The notion that there is an ideal male organ appearance is problematic for a number of reasons, including the fact that it objectifies men and causes undue distress for them. Sensual health can suffer from anxieties around the manhood, and it’s important for men to address those issues.

Still, there were some interesting results of the study in question, and they are worth noting.

Some facts
The study consisted of only 105 women between the ages of 16 and 45. The women assessed photos of 20 male organs, and researchers ranked the features that were most important to the women.

One-hundred-five is a small sample size, so this study can hardly be said to offer anything conclusive in the way of “what women find attractive.” However, the results do make quite a bit of sense.

The point of the study was to gather some evidence concerning whether one’s assessment of whether a male organ was good-looking or not was affected by the shape of the meatus, the opening of the urethra. Ten of the male organs photographed had received surgery to reposition the meatus, which was congenitally mal-positioned behind the manhood head. The surgically repositioned meatuses were shaped differently than the others.

Study after study finds that women aren’t too concerned about male organ size, but men still don’t get it. For them, it’s often a bit of an obsession and a significant source of distress. This study found male organ length to rank fifth out of seven factors influencing ideas about a good-looking male organ.

The following ranking resulted from the study:

1. General cosmetic appearance
2. Appearance of groin hair
3. Girth/appearance of skin (tied)
4. Shape of male organ head
5. Length
6. Appearance of sack
7. Shape and position of meatus

The first factor, “general cosmetic appearance,” is too vague to really say much about, but it’s notable that tidiness and skin condition are list-toppers, as much as or more so than any anatomical feature. Though the study certainly has its limitations, it does reinforce the importance of cleanliness and attention to detail, which are things any man can work on (unlike size and shape).

Finally, men who receive corrective surgery on the meatus need not feel self-conscious about how their members look, the study suggests. And that makes sense – a well-kept male organ is a beautiful thing, squinty meatus or not.

What guys can do
While getting all hung up on how the male organ looks isn’t healthy, there’s nothing wrong with wanting it to be as beautiful as it can be, particularly when one considers what is healthy to be beautiful. Trimming the hair is totally a matter of personal preference, but sweat-prone guys benefit from taming the shrub, keeping the area cooler and preventing bacteria buildup that can lead to odors. Keeping the hair tidy can also cut down on instances of jock itch, a nasty fungal infection that causes an itchy rash in the region.

Another crucial factor men ought to pay attention to is skin condition. Smooth, vibrant skin is delightful to the eye and to the touch. More importantly, healthy skin is less prone to infection, as cracks in dry skin can provide harboring grounds for viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Keeping the skin in peak condition is made possible by using a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Natural moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E join forces to hydrate the skin, getting rid of any dryness or flakiness that may be affecting the manhood. Using a lotion made specifically for the male organ will ensure that guys are showing their members the extra love they deserve, and a man’s attention to detail is likely to be noticed and appreciated by his lover.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Intact Male Organ – Facts To Dispel Unnecessary Fears

Men with prepuces in the United States may feel self-conscious, and partners may not be sure what to do with a sheathed member upon their first encounter with one. For most men, the decision as to whether or not to be sheathless is made by their parents when they are newborns, informed by certain ideas about male organ care. Few men elect to go under the knife later on in life unless a rare medical condition occurs. It’s important for intact men to know the facts about the uncut male organ, and their partners should be apprised as well. Several misconceptions regarding the prepuce can cause psychological aversions that are not only offensive but groundless as well. Learn the facts about prepuce and start loving what nature made.

1. Smegma isn’t dirty. Most people have heard that intact men are more prone to infections because of a dirty little secretion beneath the prepuce called smegma. Smegma isn’t necessarily dirty; it may actually contain antibacterial properties, though researchers differ in opinion on this matter. Smegma only becomes problematic if it is allowed to build up, at which point bacteria can build up as well, leading to an increased risk of infection and foul odor. Proper hygiene is enough for most men with sheaths to avoid infections or smells.

2. The intact form a majority. While this is untrue nationally, it’s certainly true internationally. Only about a third of adult males around the globe are cut, according to the World Health Organization. The rate is much higher in the U.S. – around three-quarters of men are sheathless here.

3. The medical benefits of prepuce removal surgery are questionable. While some studies in Africa have found that cut men have a lower risk of the partner-transmitted immunodeficiency virus, this was not consistent for men who contract the virus through rear-end sensual activity, the main method of transmission in the United States. Also, intact men have higher rates of male organ cancer, but the condition is extremely rare to begin with, even among the intact. Though the CDC pushed to promote prepuce removal surgery in 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics maintains that the health benefits are not great enough to endorse it.

4. There’s nothing ugly about the prepuce. Some men and women maintain that the prepuce is aesthetically displeasing. Though people have personal preferences, there’s nothing inherently “ugly” about the prepuce. It makes about as much sense to say such a thing as it does to say that the lips outside the female organ are ugly. Really, this judgment likely comes from a lack of familiarity with the sheath or from misconceptions about the cleanliness thereof. If a partner is turned off by prepuce, it’s likely due to narrow-mindedness, which is indisputably ugly.

5. Some partners enjoy the prepuce. Retracting the prepuce with a hand or mouth can be a pleasurable extra step for a partner, uncovering that sensitive glans (head of the male organ) and exposing it to his or her touch. Some partners revel in manually stroking the sheath over the glans as well.

6. The prepuce provides lubrication. Naturally lubricated, the intact male organ may require less additional lubrication both during solo and partner play.

7. The organ may be more sensitive. Studies have varied in results, but some maintain that the organ head of intact men is more sensitive and therefore more susceptible to pleasurable sensations than the constantly-exposed glans of a sheathless man’s member. This makes sense theoretically; a head that is constantly exposed to friction may experience a loss of sensitivity as the skin toughens in response to that friction.

It’s important for men to be comfortable with what they’re packing, and for partners to be open-minded. If a man finds himself with a partner who has not encountered an intact male organ before, he may educate his partner about the prepuce – how to gently retract it, how to engage it during manual play, etc. He may also benefit from dispelling any misconceptions the partner may harbor concerning uncleanliness.

Men who want to show their intact male organs a little extra love on top of a solid daily hygiene routine can apply a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Such a product has benefits for any male organ, intact or not, as it contains moisturizers like Shea butter and antibacterial vitamin A to cut down on odors and infection risk.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.